Welcome to CHESF
Christian Home Educators of Southwest Florida is a group of families dedicated to bringing up our children with a sound education based on love, respect, hope for the future, and faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. We’re here to support you in homeschooling your children with God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit. Meetings and activities sponsored by CHESF reflect our Christian principles, yet membership is open to those who do not share this faith.
Homeschooling provides the opportunity to not only give your children a solid academic background that suits their individual learning styles but also to experience life together with them, instilling Christian values, character, creativity, teamwork, service, and other disciplines. It allows us to model for our children a life in relationship with God, walking with him throughout each day and keeping in touch with Him through prayer.
Through CHESF you can tap into the experience and resources of our organization and other homeschooling families in meeting this challenge. We offer monthly meetings from August through May, speakers, activities, fellowship time, workshops, moms’ nights out, picnics, field trips, a Christmas party, Graduation, annual talent show and yearbook, and extensive networking opportunities, among many offered events. CHESF is a volunteer organization, so all of these services are provided by volunteer members. Likewise, volunteer work is expected of all members to improve the homeschooling experience for all involved and allows sharing of your gifts and talents.
Thank you for joining CHESF and giving us the opportunity to serve together.
These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NIV)