Guiding Premise and Acknowledgements
Guiding Premise
Most educational systems are based upon moral and philosophical premises. The pioneering families dedicated to home education established CHESF on Christian ethics as expressed in the Gospel of Jesus Christ through the authoritative Word of God. Meetings and activities sponsored by CHESF will reflect our Christian principles, yet membership shall be open to those who do not share this faith. It shall be the obligation of every member to act in such a way that would not inhibit, offend, or infringe upon the freedom of those who choose to express their Christian faith in CHESF activities.
Acknowledgement of Responsibility
I acknowledge that at all times and in all CHESF functions I am responsible for the conduct and safety of my children. Because CHESF is a volunteer organization, I recognize that my or my children’s participation in any event is entirely voluntary; and that the officers, directors and members of CHESF have no control over the conduct of individual members, circumstances or events occurring at CHESF functions or field trips. I assume full responsibility and liability for my children.
Unless provided in writing, I grant permission to publish event photos of my child(ren)and/or family members. Unless indicated include our information in the CHESF Membership Directory.
I understand and agree to abide by this Guiding Premise and Acknowledgement of Responsibility